
Holistic diagnostics and therapy

For people who would like to clarify and treat their situation privately and individually, I am available with my team at the „Prof. Stark Institute, Psychotherapeutic Center for the Treatment of Stress Disorders and Fatigue.“

Unfortunately, due to health insurance regulations, I can only offer individual therapy to privately insured patients or self-payers. Billing is based on the medical fee schedule (GOÄ).

As a rule, individual therapy begins with a detailed diagnosis, an analysis of the current situation, and a look at one’s life story to find an explanation for certain attitudes and attitudes that contribute to the current conflicts.

The total duration of individual therapy varies depending on the extent of the conflict. In behavioral therapy, a quota of 25 hours is initially assumed. This can be extended in individual cases. It is also often advisable to schedule the sessions at longer intervals after an initial intensive phase to try oneself out again ‚on the long leash of the therapist.‘

Special requirements

We also create needs-based, individual therapy programs for target groups with special requirements, such as executives and high-performance athletes.

I also like to meet people with a particular need for anonymity in hotels in the Hamburg area. In addition to therapeutic advice, the wellness offers of the hotels can also be used, which contribute to relaxation, stress reduction, and burn-out prevention. Call me and arrange an information appointment at my institute, and we will discuss your individual needs and the corresponding therapy offers. E-Mail:

Innovative movement therapy and acupuncture

In addition to talk and behavioral diagnostics and therapy, Prof. Stark’s Institute also attaches particular importance to physical diagnostics and treatment as part of the holistic approach of the Prof. Stark method.

The latest scientific findings show that emotional experiences are stored not only in memory but also in the muscular system. Above all, painful or even traumatic emotional experiences lead to tension and, thus, to a reduction in functionality. The high permanent tone leads to an imbalance in the energy consumption of the entire body. The neurotransmitter balance is also affected. Anxiety and depressive moods can, therefore, also increase in this way. The system gets stuck. As a result, the mere thought of a situation that is experienced or evaluated as critical can set this negative cycle in motion. The vicious circle ultimately leads to hypersensitivity of the organism. The result is that relaxation is no longer possible, and permanent chronic pain occurs. A conditioned reflex develops. The muscle has learned to respond to almost any situation or stimulus with hypertonicity. Therefore, from a certain point, this hardening can hardly be resolved with classic means such as massage or strength training.

BMT – Biophysical movement therapy

from Dr. Christof Ziaja

Biophysical movement therapy was developed by sports scientist and former competitive athlete Dr. Christof Ziaja, Hamburg, who is dedicated to researching biophysical and biochemical processes in the human body. Based on his training at the Sports Science Institute of the University of Hamburg under Prof. Dr. Peter Weinberg, he developed new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in well-known clinical pictures, such as burnout syndrome, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), and depression. In addition to treating existing illnesses, the focus is on so-called ’stress management‘ and burnout prevention. Another field of research is the development of new regeneration processes for competitive athletes.

His book in german – Christof Ziaja, Kohärenz durch bewegliche Lebensführung. Halle: Monarda Publishing House, 2009.


The initial diagnostics provide information on the extent to which the neuromuscular system is still flexible and capable of recovery or whether chronic, permanent tension is present. Measurements of heart rate variability, skin resistance, and the energy flow of individual acupuncture meridians are used. Specific laboratory analyses, such as cortisol release and lactate levels, are also examined. We have presented the scientific basis of these methods in detail on our diagnostics page.


Biophysical movement therapy treatment is tailored to the individual’s needs. The core of the treatment is the use of a specially developed vibrating footplate, on which the patient is passively brought to a specific movement or vibration of the muscles—without straining the body weakened by chronic diseases such as CFS—to relieve the diagnosed physical chronic pain and reduce tension and exhaustion.

The effectiveness of this treatment has been proven in the latest research results from high-performance sports, which have shown that muscles respond positively to micro-vibrations below the exciting frequency range (< 10 Hz) without further increasing the tone. On the contrary, this micro-vibration unfolds in the entire vibratory field of the organism and leads to a natural relaxation (detonating) of the system. In this way, the ability to sleep and rest, which is usually disturbed, can be rebuilt, the organism is revived, and the stressful permanent tension is energetically reduced. In this way, the life force can reorganize itself to meet the requirements of everyday life.
Muscular burnout, therefore, also means that you are crazy about the original state of relaxation. Healing now consists, among other things, of the fact that one can be brought back into the right balance with suitable vibrations.

An individual treatment on the specific devices lasts around 20 minutes and is supplemented by a progress diagnosis and an evaluation discussion. The total treatment time for one session is around one hour.


So far, this therapy can only be offered to privately insured patients or self-payers. Billing is based on the medical fee schedule (GOÄ).

Advanced therapies

In addition to the individual psychotherapeutic treatment, which takes these physical findings and treatments into account and supports them on a psychological level, it can also make sense to supplement BMT with other movement therapy interventions such as meditation or relaxation regulation.


If an imbalance in the acupuncture meridians is detected during our electrodermal measurement of your energy channels, specific therapies can be initiated with competent partners in our network.


Cognitive behavioral therapy – individual

There, you can find a presentation of Prof. Stark’s holistic approach to psychosomatic stress therapy in the context of cognitive behavioral therapy. The Prof. Stark method forms the basis of the therapeutic approach in Prof. Stark’s institute.

As a rule, individual therapy begins with a detailed diagnosis, i.e., an analysis of your current situation, but also with a look at your life history to find an explanation for certain attitudes and attitudes that contribute to the current conflicts.

Cognitive behavioral therapy – in the group

Burnout prevention

Suppose you are more interested in group dynamics, exchange, and reflection. In that case, you can take part over a more extended period in addition to the preventive seminars offered by the Prof. Stark Institute(German language), which take place over a weekend or a whole week. Participate in psychotherapeutic sessions as part of the Group Therapy Compact program, which provides systematic guidance on introspection based on the holistic approach of the Prof. Stark Method and helps develop an attitude of benevolent self-awareness. This group therapy is offered once or twice a year on the premises of Prof. Stark’s Institute in Hamburg and currently includes ten sessions of 1.5 hours each.

Compact group therapy program

1. Introduction of the energy barrel model (ENFA®)

2. What is burnout syndrome?

3. Stress and stress management

4. Personality Profiles

5. Personality profiles and potential for change

6. Self Awareness – Health and Wellbeing

7. Self-Concept in Leisure and Social Network

8. Emotional attachment – partnership, family

9. Work and Achievement – Emotional Processing

10. Work and performance – structural conditions and possibilities for change

Request more details about the program and eligibility requirements by Emailing

Depending on requirements, this program can also be combined with biophysical diagnostics and movement therapy.

Network therapists

My network of cooperations, from psychotherapy as well as healing and body therapy, who are familiar with Prof. Stark’s holistic approach, are available to you for further individual treatment offers.

You can also use the additional online therapy programs

As a supplement to individual therapy in practice, you can use the online diagnostics the Prof. Stark Institute offers to monitor your treatment or self-help efforts.


Questionnaires cannot replace a medical or psychological examination. Your results can only be used with a corresponding medical or psychological diagnosis. However, they can provide valuable information so that you can better assess your current condition and, if necessary, obtain appropriate offers of help and therapy.