Network therapist
Psychotherapists with whom I work and who are familiar with the ENFA model.
Frau . Grit Hoffmann
Psychologische Psychotherapeutin
Gesundheitszentrum am Hafen,
Seewartenstraße 10, Haus 2,,
20459 Hamburg
Tel.: 040-87 97 60 00
Frau . Franziska Richter
Systemic Psychotherapist, Coach in stressmanagement, family therapist
Psychologische Praxis Bauer,
Präsident-Krahn-Str. 8 – 22765 Hamburg
Telefon: 040 / 219 770 32
Mobil: 0176 / 830 35 164
Frau Dipl-Psych. Imke Hoyer
Psychologische Psychotherapeutin, Verhaltenstherapie und Traumatherapie
Tangstedter Landstraße 516
22851 Norderstedt
Tel.: 040-35 77 87 55
MVZ psychotherapieteam
. Detlef Wittneben und . Kora Krüger
Schäferkampsallee 29
20357 Hamburg – Eimsbüttel
Telefon: 040/400005
Fax: 040/226321739
Physiotherapeutin und Heilpraktikerin Sabiene Rohlwink
Elbchaussee 189 G
22605 Hamburg
Tel.: 040-86663903
Physiotherapeutin und Heilpraktikerin, Cranio-Sacraltherapie
Sabine Husfeld-Süthoff
Eppendorfer Baum 21
20249 HH
Tel.: 0162-4789949
E-Mail: sonikasu@
Behavior Therapist
Upon request, you can obtain a list of behavioral therapists practicing in your location from your health insurance company. The state medical associations also have lists. However, the specializations in specific problem areas are not listed there. You will then have to call several people to obtain the necessary information if necessary. You can also access practices in your area via the services or .
Andreas Humbert
Blogger from has put together a step-by-step guide in 8 steps on how best to proceed to quickly find a free therapy place, how to make the right decision for the respective form of therapy, and how to find the right therapist for you: