Bio-physical diagnostics

Measurement methods of bio-physical diagnostics

We offer you a coordinated biophysical system of diagnostic and measurement methods based on the latest scientific research. This system is continuously developed empirically and theoretically at the Prof. Stark Institute to ensure its relevance and effectiveness in determining your current stress level on various levels:

1. Cardiovascular and Vegetative Nervous System Measurement of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) according to the „gold standard“ of Anglo-American stress research with position changes before and after exercise tests.

The measurement of HRV is a non-invasive method that allows us to quantify the effects of the autonomic nervous system on the cardiovascular system. Since the first scientific reports on the significant relationship between the autonomic nervous system and cardiovascular mortality (e.g., Wolf et al. (1978)), various methods have been developed to measure HRV under experimental clinical conditions. In 1996, a ‚Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology‘ was convened to standardize the nomenclature for HRV, define the scientific terminology, and establish a selection of methods that are now considered the ‚gold standard‘ (Taskforce guidelines-Heart-Rate-Variability-FT-1996). This method is now widely used in Anglo-American stress research.

2. Measurement of micro-vibration (MV): The micro-vibration balance can determine the entire body system’s coherence or internal cohesion. The measurement of micro-vibration (MV) also determines the resting muscle tone.

3. Checking the functionality of the muscles at rest and under isometric stress:
The muscular strength test with accompanying EMG measurement provides information about the muscles‘ ability to bear stress. The 90-degree holding exercise cannot simulate reduced strength. Exercises lasting 10 seconds each are repeated three times.

The test of the thigh muscles provides two indications: first, it assesses the muscle strength in the age comparison group as an expression of a normally functioning muscle system, and second, the repeated test shows whether the strength can be maintained as expected. Furthermore, the electromyographic patterns are derived during physical exertion. Patients with ME/CFS show a significantly decreasing EMG throughout the repeated measurements.


M. Wolf, G. Varigos, D. Hunt, J. Sloman: “Sinus arrhythmia in acute myocardial infarction.” The Medical Journal of Australia 08/1978; 2(2), pp. 52-53.

Task Force of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pacing and Electrophysiology, “Heart rate variability: Standards of measurement, physiological interpretation, and clinical use.” European Heart Journal 1996 (17), pp. 354–381 (mit 181 wissenschaftlichen Referenzartikeln)

Clinical research results (2004) on the entire spectrum of electrocardiography, including the standard measurement methods and fields of application of HRV, can also be found in Professor M. Malik and A. J. Camm´s compilation.

Marek Malik, A. John Camm, eds., Dynamic Electrocardiography. Oxford: Blackwell, 2004.

Examples of experience and application reports on HRV are the following articles:

Eveline Hecher, “Herzraten-Variabilität: Subjektives objektiviert.” Österreichische Ärztezeitung 13/14, .

Dr. med. Klaus Gerlach, “ Von Herzschlag zu Herzschlag: HRV – Baustein zur Verbesserung der Belastungs- und Regenerationssteuerung.” Medicalsportsnetwork 1, 2011, pp. 26-29.

The degree of stress exposure, specifically this autonomic nervous system imbalance, can be measured and analyzed using scientific methods that have been researched for years and used in Prof. Stark’s diagnostics.

Measurement methods in biophysical diagnostics can prove this by providing clear values that show the body is no longer responsive.

1. Measuring heart rate variability (HRV) is particularly important because it enables the current recovery capacity of the cardiovascular system to be objectified and provides empirical insights into the regulatory and functional capacity of the autonomic nervous system. Therefore, it is used worldwide to detect health disorders and risks early.
The various measurement parameters of the HRV describe the degree of variability in the heartbeat. The more inflexible the natural fluctuations in the heart rhythm, the more stressful the heart and the entire organism are.
The orthostasis test (from ancient Greek orthos „upright“ and stasis „standing“) provides information about the body’s ability to adjust blood pressure and thus the circulatory system in an upright position (sitting or standing) as part of the HRV measurement. The test determines the current stress level of your organism and provides information about your need for relaxation and your ability to recover (physiological fitness)
Measurement of the (para) sympathetic frequencies
The basic parameters in HRV measurement are the measurements of the frequencies of the sympathetic nervous system (it regulates tension in dangerous situations) and the parasympathetic nervous system (it regulates relaxation), which provide information about the stress level of your autonomic nervous system.
According to the latest scientific findings in stress research, chronic stress assumes permanent stress on the so-called pituitary-adrenal cortex-stress axis‘. This stress ultimately causes an imbalance in the autonomic nervous system – sympathetic – parasympathetic, which reacts to the adrenaline and, in the case of chronic stress, cortisol release with a shift to the detriment of the parasympathetic (the recovery system) in the direction of the sympathetic (the excitation system).
Our research and diagnostics have now shown that this overemphasis on the sympathetic nervous system over the parasympathetic nervous system is already apparent in people who are „normally“ stressed, i.e., at risk of burnout. If this imbalance then becomes chronic to the detriment of the parasympathetic nervous system, this situation ultimately leads to lasting exhaustion and, as in the extreme case of chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS), can result in a complete collapse of the stress axis.

2) Muscular System
Measurement of the micro-vibration or the degree of tension in the peripheral muscles.
Prof. Peter Weinberg and Dr. Christof Ziaja developed this measuring method at the Sports Science Institute of the University of Hamburg.
Like an EMG measurement, this procedure can determine whether the muscles interact uneconomically. The change in the micro-vibration leads either to permanent over-tension (increased muscle tone) and, thus, premature body exhaustion or permanent low-tension patients feeling a loss of energy. A high permanent tone leads to an imbalance of the entire body and can cause disturbances and blockages of individual muscles and joints.
The measurement of micro-vibration, the so-called resting tone of the skeletal muscles, enables conclusions about the coherence of the internal cohesion of the entire body system. Basic research on micro-vibration has shown that this micro-vibration has a significant share in the body’s overall metabolic activity.
According to Dr. Ziaja, Biophysical Movement Therapy (BBT) is a therapeutic approach used as part of the holistic Prof. Stark method in Prof. Stark’s practice.
If you favor the original research approach of Prof. Dr. Weinberger and Dr. If you are interested in Christof Ziaja and her concept of vibrational movement therapy, you can find an „information paper from the two researchers“ here.

3) Meridian or Energy Channel System
Measurement of the electrodermal activity of acupuncture points (meridian analysis) as part of Chinese health teaching.
In a further crucial diagnostic step, we examine the body’s sensitive information system, the meridian or energy pathway system. Like the nervous and cardiovascular systems (blood), this system contains all physical information.
Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Linden developed this method in the Psychological Department of the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada; he validated the measurement method, in particular, using electroacupuncture.
L. Turner, W. Linden, A. Talbot Ellis, & R.


Empirical studies you find e.g.:

A. Colbert, M. Hayes, M. Aickin, & R. Hammerschlag, “Physiological Variability of Electrical Skin Resistance Measurements at the Ting Acupuncture Points.” Medical Acupuncture 17 (2), 2004, .

A. Ahn, A. Colbert, B. Anderson, O. Martinsen, R. Hammerschlag, S. Cina, et al., “Electrical properties of acupuncture points and meridians: A systematic review.” Bioelectromagnetics 29, 2008, pp. 245

Laboratory diagnostics
Specific laboratory analyses, such as cortisol release and lactate values, can examine specific inflammatory and immune system parameters that indicate chronic stress.
With our comprehensive range of diagnostics, which covers all body systems, we can make reproducible, quick, and inexpensive diagnoses about the current stress level of your body.
The evaluation of all results enables individually tailored therapy proposals.
In addition, our measurement methods enable continuous monitoring of therapy progress and provide optimal help for doctors and patients.
If you are interested but cannot attend Prof. Stark’s practice in Hamburg in person, please email to ask which diagnostic center that uses the Prof. Stark method is near you.

Prof. Stark Institute for Stress and Fatigue Research and Therapy
Beim Schlump 29
20144 Hamburg

Tel.: +49 40 /30390844

Sekretary: +49 40 / 41497145

E-mail: kontakt@

Therapeutic online program:

The patient billing is based on the rates for doctors (GOÄ) for privately insured persons.