
Individual psycho-mental and bio-physical diagnostics
We are healthy,
when we can react flexibly, competently, and creatively
to the demands of life.
This applies to both mental and psychological demands as well as physical ones.
According to ancient Greek wisdom, there is a healthy mind in a healthy body.
The latest brain research has confirmed this interaction between mind and body.
How high is my current level of exhaustion?

Everyone has probably asked themselves the question, „Is my physical and mental health seriously endangered? Or“ Am I still able to recover? „Generally, the principle applies to initiating preventive or countermeasures to a threatening development; you need basic information about the interrelationships to develop your individual path.

In the beginning, there are always diagnostics!

How do our bodies and psyche show us we are reaching our limits? Here, you will find an overview of stress symptoms such as anxiety, burnout, depression, and chronic fatigue and initial recommendations for action.

What holistic approaches and models exist for how body and soul are related? Find out the scientific and therapeutic principles on which Prof. Stark’s method of diagnosing and treating psychological and physical stress symptoms is based.

It is therefore important to recognize the personal and social factors that lead to us constantly being under pressure, feeling drained and overloaded, no longer having fun with things, feeling like we are on a treadmill—and still seeing no other way than to just keep going.

How can I get out of this cycle?

Do everything you can to put a stop to this negative downward trend and learn about factors and methods that are important for maintaining and rebuilding your mental and physical health, or “fitness.”

The market is full of self-help books on this topic, and many self-appointed burn-out advisors, unfortunately often without in-depth training, offer help everywhere. Be critical; your health is at stake! Remember to consider professional help in good time because the earlier a negative development can be consistently counteracted medically / therapeutically, the faster a crisis will be overcome.

For this professional diagnosis, Prof. Stark and his team offer you various options:

  • Psycho-mental diagnostics

The psycho-mental diagnosis usually includes an analysis of your current situation but also a look at your life story to find an explanation for certain attitudes and schemes that contribute to the current conflicts and your psychological stress. The innovative diagnosis of physical stress supplements this diagnosis in an intensive one-on-one discussion. You can also carry out initial analyses anonymously online.

  • Physical diagnostics
  • Innovative diagnostics of physical stress

As explained in the description of the Prof. Stark method, we assume in diagnosis and therapy that all psychological, mental, and physical processes influence each other and that the human being must be viewed as a unit. Disturbances in the muscular and organ systems can, therefore, cause emotional stress symptoms, and on the other hand, long-lasting emotional strain and stress can also damage the muscular and organ systems since the same energetic system regulates the body and psyche. Health is, therefore, not static but a dynamic process, which, among other things, consists of the body’s ability to adapt and vibrate well under changing internal and external conditions.
Our body is set up to always try to balance loads. If it no longer succeeds because the burden has increased too much or has become chronic for a long time and there are also too few opportunities for recreation available, then the ability to regulate collapses.

Prof. Stark’s innovative method for diagnosing and treating stress and stress-related symptoms involves using strategies and techniques from sports science to optimize physical performance. These methods have been extensively researched and tested over the years and are tailored to meet the needs of individuals experiencing high levels of strain and tension. The scientifically-based optimization methods for enhancing athletic performance are used to restore compromised physical abilities efficiently and can also be used preventively. This comprehensive approach goes beyond traditional psychosomatic and medical diagnostics by assessing the body’s energetic and vibrational potential and incorporating it into the therapeutic process.

The initial diagnosis should, therefore, provide information on how and to what extent your physical structure is stressed.

Is your body’s neuromuscular system still flexible and capable of recovery, or is there already chronic, permanent tension? Which organ systems are particularly stressed?

An important indicator is the so-called inner coherence, which refers to the interaction of the physical systems, such as the synchronization of autonomous rhythms of the cardiovascular, nervous, muscular, and energy channels. Coherence medicine aims to increase this internal coherence, which leads to improved self-regulation and, thus, more efficient self-healing.

To determine your current stress level on various levels, we offer you the following coordinated bio-physical system of diagnostic and measuring methods, which is based on the latest scientific research and both in the practice of Prof. Stark and in the Prof. Stark Institute, continuously developed empirically and theoretically. It includes measurements of parameters of the cardiovascular and vegetative nervous system, the muscle system, and the meridian or energy pathway system.

According to Dr. Ziaja, biophysical movement therapy (BBT) is used as a therapeutic approach as part of the holistic Prof. Stark method in Prof. Stark’s practice.

The evaluation of all results enables individually tailored therapy proposals. In addition, our measurement methods enable continuous monitoring of therapy progress and provide optimal help for doctors and patients.

Company special:
Our innovative diagnostics and prevention program for managers and employees of companies and institutions

If you are a manager, HR manager, or health officer of a company or institution and are committed to preventive support for your employees, don’t hesitate to contact the Prof. Stark Institute.

Call us, and we will be happy to discuss specific details and a corresponding framework agreement with you so that your managers and employees can benefit from our diagnostics and prevention program. This can possibly also take place directly on the company premises.
We give each individual a comprehensive status of their ability to regulate psychological stress and stress, as well as recommendations on prevention and therapy, which can be continued individually in Prof. Stark’s practice, if necessary.

If you are interested but cannot attend Prof. Stark’s practice in Hamburg in person, please email to ask which diagnostic center that uses the Prof. Stark method is near you.

Prof. Stark Institute
for Stress and Fatigue Research and Therapy
Beim Schlump 29
20144 Hamburg

Tel .: +49 40/41497145
E-mail: kontakt@

Online therapy program:

The billing for patients  is based on the rates doctors (GOÄ) for privately insured persons.